Joined March, 2015
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The shaking world of music at present doesn’t see any barrage. Creativity and passion create their own fusions and people just smack the older things away as soon as a newer breathe is brought into…! “Many” rock the parties and “more than many” just believe in living those tumultive instants. Yes, music believes in making people live and the composers are the angel-guards of this duty!!! But what of those who compose a finer tune on something already well-noted? That’s a tougher task but the world, as we all know, is never content and we always want more – hence an effort more to reproduce it in a different style, an experiment to represent it in a different imagination…
Welcome to the world of DJs and shake hands with the “maître de ce monde” – master of this world - DJ Master Stued!!!
A self-made success icon frequently embossed on “Page 3” of various newspapers, DJ Stued is a charming music-magician with a very absorbing history of how he came to be a DJ :
to begin with, he started playing with editing-softwares. As he got amused with these empirical ventures, he initially developped about 50 numbers and started distributing them in private parties. Then his thirst engraved and he took this domaine more seriously. He brought home some music production softwares and later started learning by himself and practising through renting equipements from other DJs. This lasted for about an year while he mastered his hand on many different skills.